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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (3/27/18 ) »
March 27, 2018
Children's March Spokesmoppet Tells CNN's Media Analyst Brian "Tater" Stetler That "Journalism is Activism"
Which Tater's show happily clips and promotes as a key quote, without any pushback.
Tater didn't contradict her claim, either.
The national correspondent for the LATimes agrees with the spokesmoppet:
Apparently all that is required for progressives to admit they've been activists all along is for a Human Shield Spokesmoppet to say it aloud -- apparently believing "No one can ever say a child is wrong when she speaks about politics and the proper role of the press."
One reporter disagreed:
I think this is a media trial-balloon to float/normalize the idea that journalism is activism. The media changes its mission periodically based upon the musings of amateurs: After Steven Colbert told them, at the WH Press Corps dinner, that "objective journalism" was a bad thing -- that you couldn't just report this Democrat said X and this Republican said Y without alerting news consumers to the "fact" that all Republicans are liars and everything they say is evil -- the press quickly accepted this as their new rule going forward, and began declaring it out of their own mouths.
They're extremely weak-minded people, and cowards. They won't speak the truth of what their actual mission is -- to promote the progressive cause -- but if someone who they think is "untouchable" declares a reason they should promote the progressive cause, they'll quickly adopt that rationale as their new definition of journalism.