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March 18, 2018
What The Hell Is Going On?
"People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching. (From George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman.)
This past week we witnessed a nation wide walk out of students for "gun control measures". This walk out was orchestrated by left wing groups and ideologue "educators". I wish they were honest. I wish they would come out and call for what they want, the total ban of firearms. But, honesty is not part of their make up.
One of the demands they did not make was to enforce existing gun laws. Or penalize those who break existing gun laws. But why would you do that when the former Attorney General of the United States of America was a Yuuge gun runner?
What would one of these students or "educators" think and feel if they were held up at gun point? Would they want the convicted felon jailed or playing basketball?
This month, Washington High School's star basketball player is headed to the state tournament, even though he pleaded guilty to felony armed robbery.
According to the criminal complaint, Deontay Long and his friends robbed two people at gunpoint in an east-side neighborhood last summer before carjacking a woman. Police arrested them after they crashed her car into a building.
Why should we take the students seriously when they cheer for law breakers?
Why should we take educators seriously when they condone the Thug Lifestyle?
Why are the students, educators and former teachers who run the WIAA cheering for a convicted felon who used a gun in the commission of a crime?
The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association governs more than 500 schools.
Its code of conduct explicitly prohibits the use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs, but the rule book says nothing about criminal conduct.
So what was the "Teachable Moment"> Teaching right from wrong? Teaching for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction? The teachable moment wasthug gun criminal played for a state title last night. Don't talk to me about gun control.
Use a search engine for WI thug basketball championship, you'll see if his team won.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
02:00 PM
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