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March 12, 2018
Bill Kristol Visiting First-in-the-Nation New Hampshire, Making the Primary Rounds
Yeah this is dumb. I don't believe Kristol would ever risk his biscuit. He's probably trying to help drum up support for Jeff Fake or whatever other spoiler candidate he's conning into a run this time.
On Wednesday, America’s most prominent #NeverTrumper, Bill Kristol, will be in New Hampshire, home of the "First In the Nation" primary, speaking at a must-show event for potential presidential contenders.
The "Politics and Egg"” forum, hosted by the New England Council and the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, has featured nearly every major presidential contender over the past 20 years....
Retiring Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ)—a potential GOP challenger to Trump in his own right-- is scheduled to appear at the same breakfast event on Friday, March 16th, two days after Kristol.
So tell me again--what's Bill Kristol doing at a political event in New Hampshire this Wednesday morning?
"Bill Kristol is up here for a reason, and he's going to be very interesting to listen to," [a NH Institute of Politics guy] said.
If Bill Kristol really ran, it would be heaven.