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March 12, 2018
The Morning Rant

"Commie progs like to laugh at small-government libertarians. Go live in Somalia, they sneer. They don't know that Somalia was run by Marxists for over two decades, so yeah, it's a sh*thole. In Asia, the free market has turned Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong into 1st World countries, while Marxism produced nothing except Pol Pot."
Go Directly To Gulag

(click for larger size, comrade)
Compare & Contrast:

Tomas T via Drill Thrawl)
That's 2 Down, 24,999,998 To Go:

They should do a follow-up story on this couple 6 months from now to make sure they actually left and no longer reside in the evil hellhole that is Trump's America.

Sabo just keeps getting better and better.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Has Been Brought To You By Bad 70s Television:

Watch a clip
here (if you dare).
(h/t PulpLibrarian via Cuffy)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:23 AM
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