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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
March 08, 2018
The Morning Report 3/8/18

Good morning kids. Immigration, Amnesty and the continued Leftist-Democrat crusade to conquer the nation and/or destroy it in the process is in the lead this morning. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, whom we have rightly and resoundingly criticized for the past 13 months is dead on target in his staunch enforcement of our immigration laws and his unvarnished criticism of Libby Schaaf, who has brazenly broken the law in interfering with ICE in the enforcement of said laws. In a perfect world, Federal agents would arrest her in full view of the cameras, but let's put that aside for now.
The reaction from such execrable scum as Governor Moonbeam Brown and Senator Kamala-Toe is both risible and predictable but nevertheless loathsome. Sessions is correct in comparing the actions of California's leaders to nullification by the Confederate states leading up to the Civil War. Of course, how dare a white guy from Alabama talk about slavery! Yet again, it was the Democrat Party that was the party of slavery as well as Jim Crow, and that created the KKK to be its officially sanctioned death squad to nullify - yes NULLIFY - Federal law that guaranteed former slaves full and equal citizenship. Ironically and disgustingly enough, the Democrat-Left and its minions in the courts have totally bastardized the 14th Amendment to grant full citizenship to illegal aliens just because they fell out of a foreigner's uterus onto our soil. Or our maternity wards paid for by our tax dollars, no doubt. And by the way, Kamala-toe, it was Jeff Sessions as attorney general of Alabama who destroyed that state's KKK organization and sent its leader to the electric chair. So please, shut your festering, pig-ignorant cake hole.
In any case, circling back to Sessions, it must be said that as the first major political figure to endorse Donald Trump's candidacy, he did so as a staunch immigration hawk. Let's hope he keeps that up and even steps up the enforcement. Beyond that, my view is that California should have its statehood rescinded, its state government dissolved, the National Guard called in and a territorial governor appointed to run it. And their electoral votes are split up (I'd say 60/40 Texas, Oklahoma but YMMV).
As Ace posted yesterday, California seems hell bent on wanting to secede. I would welcome that prospect but only the shit-hole areas of the big cities along the coast. In any case, I am of the opinion that the leadership on the Left does not want California to secede but wants it, along with New York and DC to conquer the rest of the nation. Look at it this way; just as in the Middle East, there can never be a two-state solution because one side cannot even accept the legitimacy let alone the existence of the other in the first place. It's fair to say that wherever Democrats and Leftists are in control and their policies are implemented freely, there is misery, poverty, crime and societal dissolution. To allow red state America to flourish as blue America disintegrates and rots would be unthinkable to the Left. But it goes deeper than that, I think. They are driven by hatred of America as founded to a level that crosses the line into madness. Even if America were to split into two, the Left would be sending its agents across the border to spread discontent and sabotage us, just like the Soviets did starting in the 1920s and the Chi-Coms are doing now. That said, before long, just like in Berlin, it is they who would have to build a border wall to keep the prisoners in. That is, if we don't put one up first to keep them the hell out. There's your dose of irony for the day.
Moving along, on the international front, the government of Sri Lanka has declared a national state of emergency as violence has flared up between Muslims and Buddhists. Considering the nature of Islam today and that Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim country, this doesn't come as a surprise. Sri Lanka only recently ended a protracted, violent uprising involving the Tamils so this is not a pleasant development, both for the innocent people in the middle of it as well as geopolitically. And Pakistan is not that far away across the Bay of Bengal.
Meanwhile, several links in a couple of categories illustrate the Chi-Coms suddenly becoming more of a menace. In the unmitigated chutzpah category, they have the gall to tell us that disarming our citizenry will protect their human rights. Tell that to the thousands of people from Tiananmen Square who got the hell protected out of their human rights.
In the "Muh-Mueller Collusions" Department, Mike Flynn has been forced into selling his home in order to pay his legal expenses. This is beyond blood-boiling. The Deep State destroyed a man whose shoes they are unworthy to lick in order to punish the American people and overthrow a duly elected President. As the saying goes in Yiddish, Robert Mueller (and everyone he represents) should be transformed into a chandelier - by tog zol er hengen, un bay nakht zol er brenen.
On the electoral front, how'd that blue wave that was going to make Texas Democrat turn out for you, Media? Domestically, the departure of Gary Cohn presents an opportunity to install someone more in keeping with the President's economic aims than that of the Statists. Should have happened on day one but there you go. Meanwhile, all this talk of tariffs has US Steel recalling several hundred jobs from Mexico back to Illinois. And the President has said he may exempt Canada and Mexico, which seems to dovetail with my belief that tariff talk is a negotiating gambit. And even if enacted, they may be much more targeted than just sweeping.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Sessionszzzz on ICE Raids in CA: "It's Exactly What ICE Officers Are Supposed to Do"
- Kamala-Toe Goes Ape Over Sessionszzzz' Comparing CA Sanctuary Policy to Democrat Civil War Slave State Nullification
- In Rejecting US Immigration Law, California Has a Role Model: The Confederacy
- Poll: Majority of Latinos and Blacks Support PDT DACA Deal Cutting Legal Immigration
- DHS Says DACA Recipients Still Not Targets for Deportation
- Mexican Illegal Alien Arrested for Deadly Hit-and-Run Free to Leave Prison in Sanctuary City Denver
- The Good Roger Simon: The Resurrection of Jeff Sessions
- Chi-Coms: America Should Ban Civilian Guns to, Get This, Protect Human Rights
- Georgia Town Mandating Gun Ownership Had One Murder in Six Years
- If You're Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Can Do is Learn the Basics
- Coulter: Racial Quotas Kill Kids
- Giving Government and Criminals (BIRM) a Monopoly on Violence
- F**k You, Mueller: Michael Flynn Forced to Sell Home to Pay Legal Expenses
- Will James Comey and Andrew McCabe Face Criminal Charges?
- Greenfield: The Clinton Dossier Gang that Knew Nothing
- Media Hyped Blue Wave in Texas Completely Shut Down by Republicans
- Texas Primary: The Good, the Really Good and the Warning
- Tax-and-Spend Democrats Are Back, and They Want $1 Trillion of Your Money
- Rick Scott Treads Carefully on Gun Control Ahead of Potential Senate Run
- Ethics Watchdog Files Complaint Against Democrat Emanuel Cleaver Over "Ghost Employee"
- Left and Lefter in California
DOMESTIC POLICY, ECONOMY - Rush: Gary Cohn's Exit Isn't a Crisis, It's an Opportunity
- Trump Effect: US Steel Brings Back 500 Jobs to Illinois Plant After PDT Announces Tariffs
- VA Secretary Shulkin's at Risk by Current Scandals, and Apparently More on Horizon
- At Nearly $36 Billion, US-China Trade Deficit Sets January Record
- PDT Considering Tariff Exemptions for Canada and Mexico
- Tell the Truth on Tariffs
- Lower Fertility Rates Could Lead to Another Recession
- Sri Lanka Declares Nationwide Emergency After Bhuddist-
Mennonite Muslim Clashes
- China's Dictator Cracks Down, Threatens West; "Arming Faster Than Hitler Did in the 30s"
- Iranian Woman Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Removing Headscarf; American Feminists Rush to Defend Farrakhan
- CIA Warns of Extensive Chi-Com Operation to Infiltrate American Institutions
- Is North Korea Really Seeking Peace or Is the Regime Setting a Trap?
- Turkey Committing War Crimes Against Kurds, Claims SDF to UN and ICC
- San Diego Schools Ordered to Reveal Correspondence with Unindicted Terrorism Co-Conspirators CAIR
- Top Advertisers on "The View" Refuse to Denounce Show's Anti-Christian Bigotry
- Break Up the Judiciary: 9th Circus Allows Kids to Sue PDT Over Global Warming
- Note to McDonald's: Your "Woke" Upside-Down Golden Arches Look Like Sagging Breast-eses