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March 07, 2018
Sessions Announces Lawsuit Against California Over Three "Unconstituional" Sanctuary City "Laws"
California seeks to be seeking the benefits of secession -- ignoring federal law, which is supreme over state law, and essentially establishing themselves as a sovereign independent nation with their own open-borders immigration policy -- without actually seceding.
I say they can be a sovereign when they formally secede -- and I promise I'll do my best to help them do so. (They can't take the Inland Empire and interior with them, though, as those captured populations deserve a chance to finally live in Real America.)
In the meantime, we are dicking over the preparatory stages of the inevitable and highly desirable break-up of the former union into two or three new sovereign states.
I wish Sessions would take an even harder line than the one he's announced to speed them on their way to becoming Mexico del Norte.
Sessions strongly criticized Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf for her recent unusual public warning that an operation by federal immigration officers was imminent. He claims 800 "wanted criminals" eluded arrests as a result.
Sessions noted those criminals would now have to be picked up in more dangerous locations, like on the street, where armed shootouts could result.
The three laws (or "laws") Sessions is challenging purport to do the following:
1. Forbidding California law enforcement personnel from even voluntarily cooperating with federal requests to transfer criminal illegal aliens or even permit them to enter California jails and prisons to seize such criminal foreign interlopers.
2. Forbidding California businesses from even voluntarily cooperating with ICE requests, forbidding them from voluntarily allowing ICE officers on business property, and demanding that California business owners must inform their employees if ICE is even looking into their personnel records.
3. Claiming that California officers and inspectors may enter ICE or other federal immigration properties for "inspections."
Kind of like the Confederacy claimed the right to enter Fort Sumter.
We cannot have a system wherein Red States must suffer the rule of the federal government when it's in blue hands but Blue States are permitted by lawless judges to nullify federal law when they find it not to their liking.
And that is the system we currently have-- and we'll continue having it, because the judiciary is stacked with Hawaiian judges.
It is time to seriously begin planning for, and agitating, the division of the former United States into new sovereign states where the respective peoples of each state actually agree on the new constitutions binding them, for the most part.
This current regime of secession-in-all-but-name, but-only-when-liberals-want-it cannot endure -- and will not.