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March 03, 2018
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Good afternoon. Welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Take a break from whatever you had going on and relax. Enjoy the world of animals and PetMorons.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
No sense of space.
Anonosaurus Wrecks submitted a couple of videos this past week.
The first video:Gun control dreck on CNN enlivened by a canine driver starting about 0:42.
The second video: Jeff and friend collar a couple of car thieves. NSFW: Language
There is a reason for leash laws.
Umbrella use. Maybe Obama could learn something.
The lazy way to exercise you dog. h/t NDH
Meet The PetMorons
Long time lurker....this is my Golden Retriever Marley....he wasn't a rescue as such...but more of a re-homing....the young lady I got Marley from had to move back in with her folks and couldn't keep Marley....so I drove four hours from Western PA to the middle of South Central PA for four hours (eight hours round trip) to pick him up..he was nine months old at the time. He is almost two years old now..
While everyone else was watching the Patriots/Eagles game....Marley was watching the Puppy Bowl!
Luv the pet thread. - Peggy
It appears that Marley has a pretty good thing going on. Thanks for lurking and sharing Peggy. We appreciate it.
My beloved mom, Barbara, passed away on Friday. February 3, 2018. She loved animals and I have attached 3 pictures. The first is my mother with Myles. Myles loved to watch my mom color in her coloring book. When he wated to go to bed, always at 8pm, he would bat her hand or chew her pencil. He went to Rainbow Bridge in November. He was my mother's constant companion and his ashes will be placed next to my mom.
The second picture is my mom with her bassett hound Fallon. Fallon loved to pull the toilet paper off the roll and drag it through the house and run around our funeral home. Fallon has long since gone but was a lovable hound.
The last photo is of my mother holding our second bassett hound, Pearl , when she was a puppy. She was born on December 7th so we named her Pearl Harbor Hyman and believe me when I tell you she was a disaster! Chaos, mayhem and hilarity ensued with this one.
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into the blog. It is very much appreciated!
You're welcome mpfs. So sorry to hear of your loss. Your Mom sounds like she was a special woman and person. Thanks for sharing with us.
Here is Loki the cat, wearing his harness for a walk around the neighborhood. We just started walking him and he loves it. - Scott and Amelie
A walking cat? How interesting. All the walks I've been on I've never seen a cat strolling with its owner. Thanks for sending this in.
My 2 bengals Alonso & Isabel, in Charlotte, NC. Hope they get some love on Ace of Spades! Thanks - Kevin
They made it to the AoS, and are getting some love Kevin. Quite unique cats you have there.
This is Trump, my little foster monster. He likes building walls, humping my three-legged Pit Bull/English Bulldog mix (Eartha Kitt), and shitting all over my house. Due to a distinct lack of thumbs, he chooses not to Tweet. The picture is from the SOTU address. - Lurker Rabid Squirrel
Funny. He doesn't look like a monster. Cute pup there Lurker Rabid. Thank you for the submission.
Hey, OregonMuse! Mia appeared early on on the Pet Thread, but I have to update. Here's what I just posted on the Book Thread:
107 Ok, post-100, and I can't wait till next week's Pet Thread. Woke up this morning and Mia, our 13 y.o. Siamese, had brought us her first ever mouse. On the bed. At Mrs. Red's feet.
To her credit, instead of screaming, her first words were, "Take a picture!"
Posted by: RI Redbot at February 11, 2018 10:11 AM (uZ8ZO
Thank you folks for the great group of PetMorons today.
Do you have a photo you wish to share? Or perhaps you have a funny video or some story? You can submit them to petmorons at gmail dot com. Include your nic and a little story about your topic.
Have a great week!!!
posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:00 PM
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