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February 24, 2018
Saturday Gardening Thread: Looking Forward, Looking Back [KT]
"Maintaining heritage is a good thing" - Illiniwek
Planting corn, horses must have liked this better than plowing.
Hello, Gardeners and Friends of Gardeners. A while back, Illiniwek had a good idea: Why not, during the gardening off-season, reflect a little on the farm and garden developments that got us to where we are today? He has sent in some heritage photos of the garden, yard, structures and farm of his family from years gone by. Do you have any photos like that? Sent some in for next week.
This is also the time of year in much of the country where gardening involves work in hopes of future rewards. The RHS suggested garden activities for February are heavy on work, light on immediate rewards.
Our photos today from The Horde show a few rewards, but also reflect work.
Cumberland Astro sends the following:
Here are a couple of pictures I took in the past week at my bird feeder (black oil sunflower seed.) One picture is of a Red Bellied Woodpecker and the other is of Bluebirds. Both are very common in the woods behind my house, but I had never before seen them at the feeder.
The first half of winter here on Tennessee's Cumberland Plateau was brutally cold, with the temperature often in single digits, and extended periods of below-freezing temperatures. I'm guessing that bugs and other preferred foods are pretty scarce, so these guys are now having to hang out with the seed feeders to get a good meal.
Nice to get a little action at the feeders when you invite birds. Any new bird signtings in your yard or neighborhood?
A reminder that sunflower seeds inhibit the growth of some plants. Don't put a feeder by precious, delicate garden plants.
Sherpa_K2 has some Winter Bamboo that looks full grown
and a lot of plants emerging. Here are a few:
Artichoke. Looks kind weedy when young, I think. Impressive plant when larger.

Bluebells. I'm guessing that you would have to know where you planted these to know what they were.
Bearded Iris. Can't wait to see these in bloom.

Gardens of The Horde
We didn't have much in the way of cold weather here in the San Joaquin Valley during the fall and early winter, but we are getting some hard frosts now. Kind of late for that around here. Has to be Global Warming.
Flowers near the house seem to be OK. I'll have to check the fruit trees in a few days.
Anything going on in your garden, yard or outdoor nieghborhood?
If you would like to send information and/or photos for the Saturday Gardening Thread, the address is:
at g mail dot com
Include your nic unless you want to be a lurker.
Got any strawberry questions or experiences? Favorite varieties? Non-standard types?
Just Add Cream

posted by Open Blogger at
12:55 PM
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