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Sunday Overnight Open Thread (1/14/18 ) »
January 14, 2018
Weekend Gun Thread
We should keep an eye on the state of Washington. Gun control fights are on the horizon.
Do you want or need a big ass pistol? Meet the .75 caliber black powder pistol.
Several threads over the past months have highlighted America's law enforcement failings. Should police enjoy qualified immunity?
The Ace of Spades, Smart military blog.
"A-10 savin' the day again, baby!"
That's what U.S. troops on the ground scream for joy after an A-10 Thunderbolt II pilot swoops down low for a "gun run" in Afghanistan.
Did you ever own a semi-automatic pistol before that fateful canoe trip?The humble beginnings of the semi-automatic pistol. h/t Anonosaurus Wrecks.
Before the turn of the 20th century, no one knew what a magazine-fed pistol should look like, and theories varied greatly. In the early 1890s, Austrian Joseph Laumann re-designed his Model 1891 8 mm repeater pistol (above) to function as a blowback-operated semi-automatic.
The history of the semi-automatic pistol may appear a bit disjointed, for the story requires tying together separate events from around the world as the best minds in the industry focused on creating the simplest, most durable and most user-friendly handgun. The potential reward was enormous, as every military in every country was a prospective buyer, not to mention the legions of civilians. After all, who wouldn’t be interested in a new handgun that offered advanced firepower? And so some of the greatest firearm designers in history embarked on what may have been their best-supported and most prolific period of creativity
Wow, not impressed with this UK firearms surrender.
England promoted a national firearms amnesty/turn-in during 2017. In Bristol, 313 “guns” were turned in, along with a whopping 120 rounds of ammunition. That’s one round of ammo for every 2.6 “guns.”. I put “guns” in quotes, because . . .
only 186 of the 313 items were actual firearms. Most of those had no ammunition for them.
Do you have some .380 ammo, loose change or tips? You can reach us at petmorons at gmail dot com.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
07:09 PM
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