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October 29, 2017
Always Ready To Take The Easy Way Out
Leave it to the Episcopalians, not content to slide on the basic tenets of Christianity. They decide to forget American history George Washington unwanted at his church.
York-Simmons would not discuss whether there were parishioners who advocated for keeping the plaques. “I’m not going to speak for my parishioners. We have been through an intense process of listening to our community’s thoughts on all sides of the complicated issue,” she said.
The nation’s first president and the commander of the Confederate army both played significant roles in the early history of Christ Church.
Washington was a regular worshiper. Lee and his family were also parishioners. Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee’s wife, gifted the church $10,000 to help begin its endowment.
Even though much of the recent national debate has centered around Civil War memorials, church leaders said they thought that it was important for the plaques to be considered together. They noted that both were placed at the same time and visually balance each other in a way that “maintains the symmetry of the church’s sanctuary.”
I can understand the Lee issue. Doesn't mean I agree with it. I suspect the church won't return the Lee family their $10,000 gift with interest.
But George Washington?
Some could say go to Hell. But, it doesn't appear that it would be too much of an insult.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
06:23 PM
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