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October 09, 2017
The Morning Report 10/9/17
Good morning kids. Another week and the big news about the big story from the end of last week is that Harvey Weinstein has been fired from the company that bears his name. Beyond the man's revolting politics and the trail of misery he left in his wake of perversion and sexual assault, what is equally perverse is the complete silence from the media whores and Democrats who both willingly took - and are keeping - his money while attacking anyone in Conservative circles for anything even remotely as salacious, real or imagined (mostly imagined). In speaking with my friend who had dealings with him, one thing that gets lost in the sauce is that Harvey's partner is his brother Bob. The two evidently had been butting heads, mostly because of Harvey's profligacy. Recall that Miramax is owned by Disney and it was Harvey's hubris and delusions of becoming bigger than Michael Eisner that led to the latter shit-canning him. And don't be surprised if it comes out that Bob was the one who instigated Harvey's demise. And that Bob himself has his own skeletons just beneath the surface.
We have a few things in the Chutz-pocrisy Dept. First, after VP Pence and his wife walked out on the Colts-Niners game the moment players were spotted kneeling for the anthem, Adam "pencil neck" Schiff and Brian "ovoid thumb" Stetler decried it as a stunt. This on the same day that we get conflicting reports that suddenly Colin Kaepernick will agree to stand for the anthem IF he gets signed by a team. Wow, what principles and commitment to fighting the institutional racism that keeps the black man down in Amerikka.
And then there's Bob Corker, the flunky, goniffing crook who abrogated his oath to uphold the Constitution by engineering a deal that all but guarantees the Iranians get the bomb in a few years. This f***ing guy, after all that, claims PDT's rhetoric is going to start World War 3. Wow. And then we learn that this miserable little worm begged the President to campaign for him, but when he was rightly rebuffed decided he needed to spend more time with the family rather than seek reelection. I hope Marsha Blackburn a) wins the seat and b) helps reverse the damage you and your ilk caused, Corker.
In other news, we have learned that a major terror plot in NYC has been thwarted, PDT has revealed a strong 70-point plan for immigration enforcement and border security, though allegedly it includes some sort of DREAMer deal, the Dems are now going full gun-grabber via the bump stock issue, and of all places Slim's Slimes has published an accurate info-graphic that puts what happened last week in perspective when compared to the abject slaughter taking place in America's inner cities.
Lastly HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY, where we recognize the man who opened up the New World to western civilization and helped stamp out the mostly peaceful savagery of the indigenous peoples who were killing, raping, pillaging, enslaving and generally slaughtering each other for thousands of years. Who knows how many lives he saved by the bravery of him and his men. G-d bless him, "capisce?"
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.