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Sunday Overnight Open Thread (8/20/17) »
August 20, 2017
The Church Lady Updated: Fat, Blue Haired, Poorly Tattooed, and Full of Moral Outrage (MJ)
Close your eyes and you can picture exactly who I referenced in the headline. Always trying so hard to look like they're not trying hard. The Trigglypuff in the wild, who loves them some preaching, as long as its not coming from a preacher.
Al Gore? He's a saint.
Obama? God on earth.
Hillary? A martyr for the cause.
The Xerson they see in the mirror? Future God, looking to make a name for Xerself.
It's a tough circle to square, but they do it by suspending reality; clinging to incredibly far fetched plots that always cast their enemies as evil and themselves as the hero. Take cartoon merchant Scott Adams'' word for it:
But ask yourself which one of these versions sounds less crazy:
1. A sitting president, who is a branding expert, thought it would be a good idea to go easy on murderous Nazis as a way to improve his popularity.
2. The country elected a racist leader who is winking to the KKK and White Supremacists that they have a free pass to start a race war now.
3. A mentally unstable racist clown with conman skills (mostly just lying) eviscerated the Republican primary field and won the presidency. He keeps doing crazy, impulsive racist stuff. But for some reason, the economy is going well, jobs are looking good, North Korea blinked, ISIS is on the ropes, and the Supreme Court got a qualified judge. It was mostly luck.
4. The guy who didn't offer to be your moral leader didn't offer any moral leadership, just law and order, applied equally. His critics cleverly and predictably framed it as being soft on Nazis.
One of those narratives is less crazy-sounding than the others. That doesn't mean the less-crazy one has to be true. But normal stuff happens far more often than crazy stuff. And critics will frame normal stuff as crazy whenever they get a chance.
The blue haired church ladies are in the grips of mass hysteria and the only cure is some moral scolding and a Twinkie. Or two.

posted by Open Blogger at
07:33 PM
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