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August 20, 2017
Ugly All the Way Down
You know who's really ugly? Whoopi Goldberg. I just happened to see a short clip of the View and I don't remember her being quite that ugly. She looks like she's partially bald and what's left of her stringy, matted hair gives her an uncanny resemblance to the alien in the 'Predator' movies.
Goldberg was never a beauty, but years ago, when she was playing Guinan on ST:TNG, she wasn't bad looking. I mean, she was attractive enough that Ted Danson bedded her. So what happened?
It is my belief that progressive politics makes you ugly. That is, more consistently you adhere to progressive ideology, which by its very nature is anti-reality, anti-beauty, and anti-life, the uglier you get. Because, in engineering terms, human beings were never designed to function the way progressivism demands. Even though we have a great deal of built-in resiliency, nevertheless the more progressive you are, the more out-of-tolerance your whole self is operating, and if you keep it up, eventually you're going to get deformations, malfunctions and breakdowns, whether moral, intellectual, spiritual, or even physical.
The ugliness and deformation starts on the inside, and as the years go by, it eventually works its way to the outside.
I believe that SJWs and crybullies, as an aggregate, have a greater inclination toward depression and other forms of mental illness than conservatives do. Not that conservatives are free of mental illness, but the more firmly you believe in your heart and mind that there are 83 genders, the higher the probability that you have either Zoloft, Xanax or Risperdal in your medicine cabinet.
The progressive starts out with "the personal is political". Great googly moogly, how f*ed up is that? If there's no distinction between the two, there's no stopping you from believing that your personal preferences and idiosyncrasies should be national policy. Again, how f*ed up is that?
Here's a comment from the book thread I thought was interesting:
I'm noticing more and more, when I'm out and about in a large crowd, that there are more "Pat's" in the world these days, if you know what I mean.
People whose gender cannot be easily determined from a first or even a second look. And none of these people are hotties, either male or female. Lots and lots of out of shape, saggy and baggy, young to old folks. And the expressions on their faces are not happy or joyful now that they have what they want. They just look...sad, with a bit of what-are-you-lookin-at thrown in.
Posted by: Boots at August 20, 2017 09:56 AM (EBwPV)
Does anybody here really believe that Trigglypuff is happy and well-adjusted?

posted by OregonMuse at
01:30 PM
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