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July 23, 2017
"I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!"
Jeff Dunetz over at The Lid has some fun with Joy Reid, but it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Joy Reid Rant About Trump’s 'Russian' Wives Is Proof You Can't Fix Stupid
This is becoming par for the course. The incredible insularity, ignorance and stupid laziness of the chattering classes. I accept that some people are simply less capable of higher-order thought. And I accept that some people are lazy. But why is the Venn diagram of those two segments of the population perfectly representative of the media? And it is unfortunately not restricted to the leftists....just talk to any of the mainstream Republican pundits about guns or the minimum wage or basic economics (supply and demand) and you will discover a startling stupidity.
So what's your favorite idiotic pronouncement from the buffoons of the fourth estate?