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June 27, 2017
The Morning Report 6/27/17
Good morning, kids. The President and America had an overall great day in court yesterday. The Supreme Court, that is. Justice Neil Gorsuch is looking like everything we hoped he would be and a key reason why many voted for Trump. While we did lose a second amendment battle against the rogue state of California, his dissent, coauthored with Clarence Thomas, is Scalia-like in its brilliance and eloquence. Let's hope it's only a taste of what's to come.
Next, a potential bombshell; a secret memo indicates that the FBI's investigation into Michael Flynn may have been engineered by now acting director McCabe as a retaliation for Flynn interceding on behalf of a woman who was planning on filing a sex discrimination against McCabe and other top G-Men. And not unrelated, James O'Keefe and Project Veritas has undercover footage showing a top CNN producer admitting the Russia thing is bullshit.
The GOP Renege and Repackage bill was scored by the CBO, for whatever that's worth. Of course noted champion of the free market Warren Buffett insists that all of us abandon the free market and embrace socialist NIH-style single payer. And alta-koker tyrant wannabe Bernardo Sandino and his wifey are being investigated for evidently goniffing a real estate deal in Vermont. It would be laughable were it not for the fact that too many young people, and too many adults that ought to know better look to this failure-of-a-man as a savior.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.