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June 14, 2017
The Morning Report 6/14/17

Good morning, kids. Breaking this morning is the horrifying news from London that a residential high rise went up in flames late last night. Early reports are dozens feared dead and hundreds may be trapped in a structure that could potentially collapse. Other reports say that the fire was touched off by some sort of refrigeration unit exploding and that the state-of-the-art cladding on the exterior went up like kindling. Even more disturbing are reports of people jumping from windows which is all too reminiscent of 9/11/01. That said, all things considered, terrorism should not be ruled out until absolute confirmation comes in as to the cause. Prayers up for the victims and that the fire fighters can stop the fire and end the carnage. Over here, the big story is Jeff Sessions absolutely eviscerating the Democrats during his testimony yesterday. Watch how the MFM spins his reasonable answer for not disclosing the substance of his conversations with the President as "refusal to testify" or "hiding something" etc. Meanwhile we have a perfect example of liberal tolerance and caring with the producer of "The Wire" urging people to "grab a brick" if PDT fires Mueller (as he should do). Lastly, on a point of personal privilege, Hakeem Jeffries is a complete jerk. Perhaps a separate post on that schmuck later when I can collect my thoughts. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.