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June 17, 2017
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread, where pets are MoronPets. Time to kick back, relax and enjoy the world of animals.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Cute puppeh fails. From police dog to greeter.
Need a smile? These photos should make you smile.
Leave it to "Man" to screw up a dog's last days. Why buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free?
Lighten up, it's a joke.
Watch dog? Well sort of.
This little kitteh probably made some people upset. Until you see the little cutie.
Headed to Tennessee? You might want to check this out.
Meet The PetMorons
This Moron was so happy to share his dog's photo with us he forgot to give us his name.
This is Jasper, a Turkish Akbash dog. Usually mistaken for a Great Pyrenees, these are taller, heavier, smarter, and - I almost forgot - they shed CONSTANTLY and eat EVERYTHING (notice the spoon). Terrible choice for apartments, houses with small yards, owners with low energy, or people who own coyotes. If you love to be stalked by your "pet" this is the dog for you. Best breed ever.
Lurker "Oxrock." This is Paul Bear Bryant (aka Buddy Dog) who lived a relatively long life for a large dark golden retriever.
RIP Buddy, April 20, 2005 to May 20, 2017.
Sorry for your loss Oxrock.
LASue and her dog have quite a sense of humor.
Also known as Eddie Spaghetti, Eduardo, and Crazy Eyes Ed!
We adore him and hope Coach Herman will add him to the roster this year.
Farmer submitted these 2 photos of his Labs. Here is their story.
We made the front page of the local rag when they did an article on the local dog park. First pic is of Bailey, our 7 yo lab. You can cut off our heads if you do photoshop. LOL. Or not.
Below is Kahlua, our 2 yo chocolate lab. She is a retriever pyscho. Insanely loves her ball.
Love the pet thread,
YW Farmer.
Howdy! I've been promising to send my Rosie pic since my Romeo passed (you showcased Romeo in August, right before he passed. He was my constant couch companion and guardian during my chemo. I miss him very much, and sometimes feel quite vulnerable).
Rosie is ten years old and has cerebellar hypoplasia, a neurological disorder she was born with. Her cerebellum never developed in the womb, so she has very little balance. They're called, "CH Kitties" or "Wobble Kitties". She can only jump about 8inches (we have several doggie steps all around so she can get onto couches, into bed, etc.)
Rosie has tried to take up Romeo's guardian mantle and lays with me on the couch before and after my chemo treatment. She's learning. I am grateful and blessed.
Here she is in early May, guarding my foot, which is encased in a threatening, brightly colored slipper: Ritabootoo
Thanks for sharing, she's an impressive guard cat.
Quite the pair, better than oil & water.
Longtime lurker here, posted a few times as Rudytbone.
Pictured are Dennis, a Red Tiger domestic American shorthair (yes, a barn cat rescue) and Hopper, an Anatolian Shepherd (also a rescue). They are the best of friends.
Longtime lurker here. These are my two lazy girls. I adopted them both from a rescue group. The gray and white shi-Tzu is Roxy. She is 9 years old and I've had her about 4 years. The black terrier mix is Paisley. She is around 2 years old and I have had her for 3 months. When I got Paisley, I was worried they might not get along. As you can see my fear has been realized. Love the site, keep up the good work.
Lynn, a NC deplorable
What a wonderful group of animals!!! Thank you folks for taking the time and submitting the photos. Thank your pets for us as well for posing.
Do you have something you wish to share? Photos, stories, tips? You can send them to us here at petmorons at gmail dot com.
Here's hoping you and your pets have a wonderful weekend!!!

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:00 PM
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