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June 05, 2017
Is Britain Doomed?

I picked up the following "Tweetstorm" on Sunday in the wake of the multiple terrorist attacks in England. As is my custom, I will embed the first tweet in the series, and then lift out only the text in the others to save space and page loading time.
Context: Thomas Wictor, the author of the tweets, is responding to some progressive who is complaining about Breitbart writers.
So here we go:
(2) Breitbart writers don't matter. They have no authority. Their opinions are just blather. HERE'S what matters:

(3) A British man took video as unarmed, helpless police came into a bar and told everyone to lie down on the floor.
(4) In the middle of a mass-casualty terrorist attack, one customer shouted "F*cking Muslim c*nts!" He thought he was about to die.
(5) The man filming--in the MIDDLE OF THE ATTACK--began lecturing the other about how he shouldn't say such things.
(6) The comments on this man's Twitter feed showed that MANY Brits think it's rational to criticize victims of terrorism for their language.
(7) Keep in mind that the terrorist attack WAS IN PROGRESS, the victims were cowering on the floor, yet offensive language was the issue.
(8) An Israeli told me a joke once: Two Jewish men are being led to the wall to be executed by firing squad.
(9) One man says, "To hell with it. I'm going to demand a last cigarette." "Be quiet!" say the other. "You'll get us in trouble!"
(10) The joke is funny because it's based in reality, BUT IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN FOR REAL.
(11) Last night, that joke happened FOR REAL in the UK.
(12) As two men waited to be killed by terrorists, one criticized the other for offensive language against Muslims.
(13) The fact that so many Brits APPLAUDED this insanity shows that Britain is likely doomed.
So, to recap: Britain is doomed because most of her citizenry have their heads firmly lodged in the sand.
And then, as if on cue, here comes a British guy with his head firmly lodged in the sand:
stilltherealgraemek @GKenna49
Replying to @ThomasWictor
That guy can go home knowing he was tested to the extreme & came out if it an instinctively decent human being which terrorists never are
And that is why they will never win. Even when there's a possibility of death he retained British decency & principles.
I don't know if it's infuriating or gratifying to have the very point you were attempting to explain demonstrated perfectly, and in such an obvious manner. It's probably what Larry Correa felt when he started Sad Puppies to prove that the Hugo awards had been commandeered by an inbred clique of intolerant SJW goons, and they responded by publicly vilifying him as an evil right winger and declaring him persona non grata in an attempt to reduce his book sales. All the while insisting that they weren't intolerant SJW goons.
Or like claiming that Islam breeds violence and then getting death threats from Muslims. "Behead those who say Islam is violent." Yeah, that makes sense.
(h/t to Mark Huffman for the metro police warning pic)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:17 AM
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