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June 01, 2017
Left, Get This, Freaks Out Over No One Paying Any Mind to Their Silly Monster Baby Asses
The top 15 over-the-top reactions from the left -- but is there any other kind of reaction from the left?
Below, some of the ones I found.
This is a common signal from Progressive Messaging Central. The claim being made is that the Paris Accords are simultaneously an ineffectual nothingburger of meaningless symbolism, so why even bother withdrawing?, but also are The Only Thing That Will Keep the Earth from Literally Dying.
Obviously, these can't both be true at once: Either the Accords do something, or they do not do something. They cannot exist in a state of quantum indeterminacy where they remain in a mixed probabilistic waveform of both "doing something" and "doing nothing" until a Progressive Political Physicist takes a measurement of which state is most helpful for his Religious Fervor at this moment.
This one isn't over the top, so much as stupid.
Now for some over the top ones:
For context, remember this is not the first environmental panic we've seen. There have been others. Prior to the Global Warming Panic, we infamously had the Global Cooling Panic, with dire warnings of a coming ice age.
We also had the Population Bomb panic, in which serial environmental catastrophy fantasist Paul Ehrlich warned that we would have so many people we would all starve and eat each other, and recommended government-mandated sterilizations and abortions to save the earth.
It was that panic that birthed the sci-fi tale Soylent Green.
Anyway, I mention this, because even though the Population Bomb fable is thoroughly discredited, the environmental maniacs keep coming back to it. The Population Bomb is always in the mix -- Humanity, as Agent Smith said, is a virus the earth needs to be cured of.
Watch this Atlantic employee (I have no idea what she actually claims her vocation is) link global warming with, get this, the need for government subsidized abortion:
She's making the case, obliquely, that we have to stop the Population Bomb. If we can't have the Paris Accords, we damn sure better have Less People Making the Earth sick.
Because Humans are a disease, and Progressivism is the cure.
These are the #Science Lovers you're supposed to bow to -- still believing in End of the World religious predictions that failed to materialize 40 years ago.
Speaking of religion: Local atheist now prays for heaven.
Breaking: Trump's musky strength leads more nonbelievers to God.
And now, a warning:
Gloating Threat Level: Urgent.
By the way, we're all going to die anyway:
Calling my shot now: You will soon see stories claiming that, somehow, a minor change in the Earth's temperature causes more asteroid impacts, by Reversing the Polarities of earth's magnetic field, or something.
They've previously claimed climate change causes more earthquakes and volcanoes, so, you know. This is not as far-fetched a speculation on my part as it might seem.
Oh Yeah: We got word from the Oracle of Chicago.
Wasn't this loathsome cunt supposed to stop the oceans from rising due to the sheer radiant glory of his worshipfullness?