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March 16, 2017
Trump's Proposed Budget Cuts All Funding for NEA, NPR, and Corporation for Public Broadcasting
As well as other programs, such as one that funds libraries and museums. And I like such things, but... let the states pay, I guess.
The proposed budget cuts a lot more than that, too-- 31% cut to the EPA alone.
The cuts could represent the widest swath of reductions in federal programs since the drawdown after World War II, probably leading to a sizable cutback in the federal non-military workforce, something White House officials said was one of their goals.
"You can't drain the swamp and leave all the people in it," White House Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney told reporters.
Of course, Republicans who talk a good game about cutting government spending are now changing their tunes a bit.
Many of Trump's budget proposals are likely to run into stiff resistance from lawmakers on Capitol Hill, even from Republicans, whose support is crucial because they must vote to authorize government appropriations. Republicans have objected, for example, to the large cuts in foreign aid and diplomacy that Trump has foreshadowed, and his budget whacks foreign aid programs run by the Education, State and Treasury departments, among others.
"The administration's budget isn't going to be the budget," said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). "We do the budget here. The administration makes recommendations, but Congress does budgets."
For all his confusion, Trump does bring clarity to matters, and forces many to stop hiding in fog and fly their true flags.