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November 10, 2016
Hillary Clinton's Top Aides Have Figured Out Who to Blame For Her Epic Loss
(Come on, It was Epic; Don't Judge Me For Using That Word)
So, she blamed two institutions for her loss.
The first one, I won't make you guess. Come on, you already know: The FBI, obviously.
But what about the second?
What other powerful institution could possibly have sabotaged Hillary's chances?
Come on, you know. Even though it's so absurd you don't want to say it.
Go ahead, say it. I promise you, you won't look absurd.
Yes, that's right: The second culprit is the media, for being, you know, so obviously biased against her.
The Hill (the website) is skeptical. But then, the media is always extremely hostile to any suggestion they're less than perfect.
But in this case, that hostility is justified.
Aides also blamed the media for the loss.
"The media always covered her as the person who would be president and therefore tried to eviscerate her before the election, but covered Trump who was someone who was entertaining and sort of gave him a pass," Podesta said. "We need to reflect and analyze that and put our voices forward."
All Democratic failures are always blamed on "messaging," if possible, and if that's not possible -- and only if that's not possible -- then the messenger.
They can never blame their disastrous results nor the core ideology they prescribe.
Trump during the campaign frequently criticized the media for being too hard on him.
Podesta, whose hacked emails were released by WikiLeaks over the campaign’s final stretch, said top Clinton aides will argue that the press created a "false moral equivalency" in its coverage of Clinton and Trump.
The campaign chairman blamed the press for "the dominance of the way they covered the email" controversy, saying it overlooked "the conflicts of Trump's businesses, the Russian contacts we are now learning to be true, the failure of the press following the 3-page leak to the New York Times to really dig into the income tax question."
And they totally acted with tranquil reserve about Pussygage too, I'd add.