« CBS Opinion Writer Will Rahn: Gee, The Press Sure Is Unbearably Smug, Isn't It? |
Hillary Clinton's Top Aides Have Figured Out Who to Blame For Her Epic Loss
(Come on, It was Epic; Don't Judge Me For Using That Word) »
November 10, 2016
As Calls for Political Violence Increase, CNN Keeps Putting on Van Jones, Who Stokes Fires of Political Panic
Violence in some causes is acceptable.

Incidentally, thought this entire account has been deleted and I therefore can't confirm this tweet existed, a lot of people on twitter are claiming that a UK based reporter tweeted, "Time for a presidential assassination."
Should that pan out as true, I have this prediction:
The media, so worried about threats to reporters, will be strangely reticent to report on a threat made by a reporter.
Who wants to bet against me?
And someone from Mother Jones claimed that Hillary losing is a lot like the buildings coming down on 9/11. Or at least that she hasn't felt such a blow as this since 9/11.
The Real Deplorables
They're calling from inside the media...! They're inside the media!