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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (9/20/16) [Mis. Hum.] »
September 20, 2016
Bloomberg "Reporter" To Hillary Clinton: Do You Fear the Russians Are Actually Behind this False-Flag Bombing to Try to Throw the Election to Trump?
I mentioned to a friend on Sunday that the left would be pushing this False-Flag conspiracy theory.
I was right. (Of course.)
But what I did not predict was that it would come from a "Reporter," and one allegedly "covering" Hillary Clinton.
“Are you concerned that this weekend’s attacks or potential incidents in the coming weeks might be an attempt by ISIS or ISIS sympathizers, or really any other group, maybe the Russians, to influence the presidential race in some way, and presumably try to drive votes to Donald Trump, who is, as you’ve said before, widely seen as perhaps being somebody who they would be more willing to—or see as an easier person to be against?” she asked.
Note this is the same leftist media that blows a gasket over any conspiracy theory emanating from the right -- but they're curiously open to Trutherism (at least the softer variety) and never tire of spinning their own conspiracy theories.
Madeleine Albright, for example, told Mort Kondracke "Yes, I've heard that" when he mentioned the left's belief that Bush had already captured bin Ladin and planned to trot him out in handcuffs just before the 2004 election.
And, Kondracke said, she meant "Yes I've heard that" as in Yes, that is probably true.
Crazy partisan false-flag conspiracy theories are like farts -- only your own smell comforting.
Open Thread.