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August 14, 2016
Football Sunday in America! - [Niedermeyer's Dead Horse]
It's a Sunday. And there's football.
The season has officially begun.
Yeah, I know there was HOF game scheduled for last week, and that there were games these past three days, but it isn't official until the first game that's played on a Sunday.
Yessss. Even the air smells different. Before long there will be a chill in the air and we'll all start airing out or Fall/Winter wardrobes. Little boys and girls will start getting giddy over Pop Warner and moms and dads will hit the stores to pick up tiny little cleats and Keds shoes.
I remember well...
Then again, if you're like me, you can't wait for the season to start, then with every gameday that passes, you bemoan the fact that, before we know it, it will all be over and we'll be left longing all over again.
There's just one game today, at 7 pm, when Houton will play at San Francisco.
Fortunately, both of those teams know how to put together a proper cheergal squad.
You win.
Enjoy the game folks. Remember to play nice and look both ways before crossing the street.
UPDATE: RUFKM?!!! You can only get it on NFL Network.
Could Goodell possibly suck any more than he does?

posted by Open Blogger at
06:58 PM
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