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May 21, 2016
Thread below the Gardening Thread [KT]
Propelled by a dung beetle, science rolls on.
Scientists in Sweden found that the beetles capture the picture of the sky while dancing on a ball of manure.
The beetles' navigational skills could aid the development of driverless vehicles, the researchers suggest. -
Those are among the Dung Beetle Sentences to Ponder at Marginal Revolution. Ponder away!
Incidentally, why did the Egyptians worship beetles that eat poop?
According to entomologist Yves Cambefort in his essay "Beetles as Religious Symbols," the scarab, so reasoned the Egyptians, rolls the turd along and disappears it, just as the sun emerges and vanishes every day.
Hmmm. Lately it seems to me like the news media rolls a few turds along for a day, then disappears them. Sometimes after behaving a bit like the Kung Fu Dung Beetles in the video at the link above. Any "trending" examples come to mind for you?
Incidentally, some of you may have had a momentary preview of this post before I disappeared it on Thursday, only to resurrect it today. Sort of like the sacred scarab beetle with its reappearing ball of dung, but less predictable. Forgot to put the entry in "draft" Thursday. AIEEE! Tense moments for me, weird moments for readers of AoSHQ.
Hope you can get away from the news for a while this weekend. Doing anything interesting?
Open Thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:20 AM
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