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May 19, 2016
Lawyers Suing UVA Introduce Evidence That "Jackie" Concocted the Absurd "Haven Monahan" Suitor in "Catfishing" Scam
So they claim it's "catfishing" too.
I don't think it's catfishing. I think it's George Glassing. But whatev's.
If you remember, part of Jackie's method of trying to entice a boy named Duffin she liked was to send him emails from an account riotously named "Haven Monahan," who would talk Jackie up, say how desirable she was, and tell Duffin how lucky he was to have such a classy, not-insane-at-all lady interested in him.
This "Haven Monahan" was implicated somehow in leading her gang-rape.
Police became suspicious that "Haven Monahan" was a fictitious persona made up by a college-aged girl when they noticed he was named "Haven Monahan."
New evidence shows that a University of Virginia student who alleged that she was gang raped at a campus fraternity created the fake persona of the alleged ringleader of the attack, according to lawyers representing a U-Va. official who is suing Rolling Stone magazine for defamation...
The data from Yahoo that Eramo’s lawyers acquired via subpoena shows that the e-mail account "Haven.monahan@yahoo.com" was created on Oct. 2, 2012 while connected to U-Va.’s computer network. The next day, Duffin received an e-mail from "Haven" passing on a letter Jackie had written to "Haven" about Duffin. In the letter, Jackie confesses her love for Duffin.
After filing the lawsuit, Eramo’s lawyers asked Jackie and her legal team to hand over all documents in their possession related to "Haven." In multiple responses, Jackie’s lawyers wrote that they had already given Eramo's legal team everything they had....
In the most recent court filing, Eramo’s lawyers note, however, that the data from Yahoo shows that someone on the Stein Mitchell law firm’s network accessed the Haven.Monahan@yahoo.com e-mail address on March 18, 2016. Four days later, Eramo’s lawyers assert in court filings, Jackie's lawyers sent another letter indicating "that Jackie was not in possession of these emails."
Jackie’s lawyers did not respond to a request for comment.
In the new court filing, Eramo’s lawyers write that the data from Yahoo leads to “only one logical conclusion: Jackie is 'Haven Monahan.'"