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May 11, 2016
Gossip Biographer: Bruce Jenner Unhappy With Pretending to Be a Woman; Might "De-Transition" Back to a Man Not Pretending to be a Woman
Eh, I don't really believe it. I don't believe any of these trashy "celebrity" biographers.
But that's the claim.
Oh, and the current top post at Instapundit -- about the growing trend of "Husband Shaming," posting pictures of husbands online with details of their alleged misdeeds -- is itself shameful.
What cannot go on, will not. I'm beginning to fear "humanity" might be slipping into that category.
Also, Sean Bean is not the dyingest actor in Hollywood history -- but he's damn close to it, and has the highest death-rate-per-film.
(Also, bet you a grand he's the guy who's died the most violent deaths. John Hurt's died a lot sure -- of natural causes or disease. Guy already looks like he's half dead. Sean Bean doesn't die of old age. Sean Bean dies from having his brain ventilated.)
And Chris Hemsworth baked a birthday cake for his daughter, which caused a wildfire of sexual confusion and dyserotic dread among the mannish women and girlboys of the left.
Open thread.