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May 04, 2016
Overnight Open Thread (5-4-2016) - See y'all in June Edition
Quote of the Day - Time Machine Owner Edition
I don't rely on time. Time is what man made for our convenience, and in reality, it does not exist.
-- Yoko Ono, April 25, 2016

Department of Justice Declares War on North Carolina
To exactly no one's surprise, the Obama Department of Justice has sent a letter to North Carolina governor Pat McRory demanding that that the state "not comply with or enforce H.B. 2" - it's so-called transgender bathroom law. The reason? The DOJ claims that it violates Title VII, a statute that doesn't reference sexual orientation or gender identity at all - a statute that the Obama administration and various activist courts have purported to lawlessly expand entirely by executive and judicial fiat.
Kuwait Airways Stops Inter-European Flights Rather Than Accept Israeli Passengers
How Michelle Obama F*cked Up School Lunches
When first lady Michelle Obama championed rewriting the old school lunch menus along new and improved nutritional guidelines, the idea was to limit portion size and increase kids' consumption of fruits and vegetables. To encourage school districts to participate in the program, the government increased the amount it would reimburse schools per meal and increased, as well, the number of children eligible for reduced-price and free lunches. The reimbursements were offered as a way schools could offset the cost of the new and more expensive menus. But once those reimbursements are built into their budgets, schools are that much more bound by federal mandates, because they can't risk losing the subsidies. And so the mandates get even more onerous. In 2014, the USDA enacted "Smart Snacks in Schools" rules that set nutrition guidelines for any foods offered at school-whether part of the lunch program or not. The rules specified breads be at least half whole-grain. Fat could account for no more than 35 percent of calories. And there are limits on calories, along with restrictions on salt and sugars.
The trouble with the mandates isn't that schools have trouble making the meals, but the fact that kids don't like them very much.
And reimbursements can't make up for the fact that kids are choosing to skip lunch rather than eat the new mandated meals.

EU To Institute Refugee Quotas
German Army Has to Leave NATO Exercises Early Because of Overtime Rules
Nothing Lasts Like Temporary Protected Status
The TPS amnesty for 200,000 Salvadoran illegals after a 2001 earthquake has been routinely renewed. The TPS amnesty for 60,000 Hondurans and Nicaraguans following Hurricane Mitch in 1998 has also been routinely renewed. Liberians were the first to benefit from TPS after Congress enacted the law in 1990 (to rein in unilateral executive actions) - and they're still here. The TPS amnesty because of Ebola in West Africa was just extended despite the fact that the Ebola outbreak is now over. No one has ever been made to leave the country because his TPS amnesty expired.
How Facebook Blacklists Conservative News Outlets on Trending Topics
Female Jihadi Taken Down With Poison Arrow
Authorities in northern Cameroon say a local self-defense group used a poisoned arrow to kill a woman with explosives strapped to her body. Midjiyawa Bakary, the governor of Cameroon's Far North region, said Wednesday that the 40-year-old woman had crossed over from neighboring Nigeria along with a 14-year-old girl.
Local residents shot the poisoned arrow at the woman after she failed to stop as demanded. The girl also died when she detonated her own explosives.
Cass Sunstein: The World According to Star Wars
Sunstein is a law professor best known for his idea of having the government 'nudge' people into 'better' choices. But in a new book he uses Star Wars as a way to understand being a parent, a child, and human. I have misgivings given his past but am also intrigued to see what he does with this idea.
Why Pen Caps Have Holes in Them
"Grains crops transformed the politics of the societies that grew them, while tubers held them back."
What Was James Earl Ray Up To Between the Assassination of MLK and His Arrest a Month Later
Armed robbery and other shenanigans in London and Spain.

Study shows that the more you like your car's personality, the more likely you are to wreck it
And this man must have loved his McLaren 650S's personality so, so very much that he wrecked it within 10 minutes of delivery.

Why Your Backyard Playground is Problematic

Why Jennifer Aniston Is The World's Most Beautiful Woman
According to other women - and is as the article explains girl-pretty but not necessarily boy-pretty.

The Group knows your sins but doesn't care.
Tonight's post brought to you by this man:

Notice: Posted by implicit permission of AceCorp LLC. Sayonara bitchez!

posted by Maetenloch at
11:27 PM
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