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March 22, 2016
Current Occupant of White House Enjoys a Baseball Game With Some Terrorists While Rest of American Government (Hopefully) Keeps Eyes Open for Terrorism
Yes, Obama likes his Me Time.
Remember, Obama has to be pushed by his aides to pretend to care about terrorism, because what he really believes is that Americans have to just learn to be "resilient" and get over it. (Scan down for big quote at end of post.)
Oh, and apart from Raul Castro, who does seem to be the sort of terrorist you don't call a terrorist because he's actually a tyrant, there were other terrorists at the baseball game, though perhaps Obama didn't notice:
Obama doesn't mind the FARC terrorists either, of course. He's generally supportive of third world "liberation fighters" avenging themselves against the West.
Isn't that a show of how much "respect" leaders have for Obama? Raul Castro permits FARC terrorists to embarrass him at a baseball game. At least, that was intent; lucky for him, Obama is incapable of embarrassment.
The Real Victim of Today's Terrorist Attacks. Sam Stein of the HuffPo has found the true victim -- Barack Obama, and his quest for a legacy.