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March 22, 2016
Recently Captured Terror Figure Salam Abdeslam Linked to Today's Bombings in Brussels
He was captured Friday. On Monday, the bombs go off.
His fingerprints were found in the Belgium apartment near some detonators -- which authorities think were intended to be used in today's terror bombing, had they not been captured.
This directly raises the ticking bomb question, with no wiggle room:
Would it have been immoral to twist this guy's arms until he gives up his compatriots?
For those claiming that's immoral -- there are thirty formerly living human beings, and two hundred wounded ones, who might want to disagree with you.
Evil is not just what you do by your actions; it's also what you do by your inaction.
Comments: I accidentally left comments open and I guess I will leave them open, provisionally.
However, I do not feel like moderating the immoderate all day long again.
If you have some screaming you wish to do, some perceived insult you need to avenge, on account of someone not fancying the same political candidate that's caught your eye, please make your arrangements to find a blog that will provide you more of a #SafeSpace.