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February 20, 2016
Ace of Spades Pet Thread [Misanthropic Humanitarian]
The infamous Mike Hammer's cat. You know, the one who usually puts Mr. Hammer into the Top 10 List of Commentators. Not bad for a critter who doesn't have thumbs.
This past week was the Super Bowl of the AKC dog world. Earlier in the week The Westminster Kennel Club had their annual championship show. Every recognized breed by the AKC is represented and goes for gold. Championships are based on breed standards and subjective beauty to the eye kind of judging. Talk about politics at time. But without further ado here are the various champs.
Hounds -- Borzoi
Toys -- Shih Tzu
Non sporting -- English bulldog
Herding -- German Shepherd
Sporting -- German Shorthaired Pointer
Working -- Samoyed
Terrier --- Skye terrier
Best in Show -- California Journey (CJ), German Shorthaired Pointer
Reserve Best in Show --- Lucy, Borzo
Here is CJ Best In Show
Like Father Like Son, Cat Humor
This is Juno, Great Dane, who adopted our own L, Elle. At the moment Juno is 8 months old. She is a gentle sweet heart. This photo was taken before Juno's growth spurt and was eating her master out of house and home.
Awww Cuteness
'Ette Jane D'oh's cats obviously earning their keep by keeping the bed warm.
Thanks to Tucker
A big shout out to Tucker and moron Chi. These 2 guys along with L, Elle were the driving force behind the AoS Pet Thread. Tucker is quite handsome, no wonder why he's a ladies man, errr I mean dog.
Here's a spoiled pet. Check out Timon's dog watching the house while the 'boss' is working.
Last but not least is Dewey, cat of the V the K. Dewey was found as an orphaned kitten. Quite a bit of money went into Dewey's recovery. Morons are good people afterall. Nice looking cat. Job well done.
We want to thank all of the Horde who have sent photos of their pets. If you sent a video, please submit a photo of your pet as videos are difficult for us to post. Please be patient, your pets will make the big time here at the Ace of Spades. We are still working out all of the bugs. And no, bugs are not pets. Well except for AtC who has been known to house a spider or two.
If you would like to share ideas, tips or photos of your pet you may contact us at petmorons at the gee mail dot com.
Once again, a big shout out to Ace, Chi and L, Elle. Without these Morons this thing would not be possible. Thank you for checking us out.

posted by Open Blogger at
02:29 PM
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