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January 12, 2016
Server Maintenance
NOTICE: Comments might be a bit glitchy at first. The database needs a couple of indexes rebuilt before everything is happy again. All better now!
Sorry for the short notice, but our hosting provider is doing maintenance on the rack containing our servers, and we'll be off line for an hour or two sometime between 10PM and 5AM CST (servers are located in Dallas).
I've set things so that we should come back on line as quickly as possible, and we have a full off-site backup just in case.
You can reach me on Twitter (@pixymisa) or by email (help@mu.nu) if something's not right when we come back.
Update: Server is back on line in its new home, bringing various things up now. Like, um, comments. Someone remind me how those work?
Update: Oh, yeah, magic word. Ta-da!
Update: Just got the notification for the next batch of servers. They get 20 hours notice, which is slightly more than 30 minutes. Bleeeh.
posted by Pixy Misa at
10:26 PM
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