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Overnight Open Thread (12-9-2015) »
December 09, 2015
Early Night Open Thread
Paris closes three mosques, arrests hundreds, seizes 300 weapons in ongoing raids. One thing to note: A lot of repetitions of this story suggest the weapons were in the mosques; they weren't. This is the tally for all the raids that have occurred since the massacre of 13 November.
Hillary Clinton pulled strings for her useless nepot son-in-law while at State. But of course she did.
What would it take to flip Obama states to Republican ones? This tool from Five Thirty Eight lets you play with the votes of sub-groups to see what a Republican win would take.
AP Poll: 54% say the US takes in too many immigrants from the Middle East.
Planned Parenthood shooter Lewis Dear: "I"m guilty! There's no trial! I'm a warrior for the babies!" So, that's now confirmed, or at least he's saying it.
Buzzfeed Memo from Ben Smith: Yes, it's perfectly within Buzzfeed's code to call Donald Trump a mendacious racist.
Does that mean Buzzfeed writers can freely refer to the proven liar Hillary Clinton as a liar? Somehow I doubt it!
Ben Domenech: The failure of the self-proclaimed elites, and the nightmare of failure that is Barack Obama, are responsible for Trump.
Remember: We are not even allowed to ask immigrants about their ideological beliefs, per a State Department order that Obama stubbornly, stupidly clings to.