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Early Night Open Thread »
December 09, 2015
Hilary: Those Family Members of the Benghazi Dead Who Said I Blamed the Attack on a YouTube Video Must Be Misremembering, Possibly Because They Had Secret Strokes or Are Longtime Alcoholics
I didn't get to this yesterday, but over the weekend, George Clinton Foundation Donor Stephanopolous asked Her Drunkenness about the claims made by the families of those killed in Benghazi that, while they were waiting to receive the caskets from Libya, Hillary blamed the attacks on the YouTube filmmaker and promised to "get" him.
She says they must be misremembering, because of trauma.
Seems strange -- they've been saying this since nearly after it happened.
Hillary, meanwhile, is a longterm drunk and habitual liar with a secret history of unexplained falls and head problems.
I wonder who I should believe.