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July 17, 2015
Huffington Post Daringly Announces They're Moving Trump Coverage to the Entertainment Section
The media are embittered people. They think they are Masters of the Universe, or should be; in fact they are toner-stained wretches who merely document the words and actions of people who actually matter.
They are egotistical, and therefore leap at any opportunity to make themselves the story, to make themselves the actor, the man in the arena.
They are fools.
Also fools are the various Tribunes of the GOP Establishment applauding this, who have decided that they do in fact like and admire some Media Gatekeeping -- "We're the Deciders," an editor from the Seattle PI once notoriously decided -- so long as it serves their purposes, which is, of course, the same as the progressive left's purposes, which is, to wit, serving as an official institutional repudiation of the Lower Class persons whose uncouth opinions need to be guided by media power to a more acceptable, elevated state.