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July 17, 2015
AoSHQ Podcast: Guest, @BradThor
Bestselling author Brad Thor joins Ace, Gabe, Drew and John this week.
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Intro: Mötorhead - Ace of Spades
Outro: The Ballad of Curtis Loew - Lynyrd Skynyrd
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Don't forget to submit your Ask the Blog questions for next week's episode.
Open thread in the comments.
American Stonehenge [ace]: Thor said his new spy thriller was inspired by two unrelated ideas (which I assume he related), a secret meeting headed by Ban-Ki Moon (or whatever) and the so-called "American Stonehenge" monument in Georgia New Hampshire no seriously it's in Georgia.
It's weird, man. Lovecraftian, almost.

From the above-linked Wired article
Corrected: I could have sworn he said it was in Georgia. A commenter corrects that it's New Hampshire.
No Wait, It Is Georgia: Here.
Not "Mystery Hill," though.
Turns out there's two (who knows, maybe more) things called "America's Stonehenge." Both feature psuedoarchaological hokum.
I'd like to visit both.