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April 14, 2015
BBC, Which Just Stated It Had No Choice But To Fire Popular (But Unpopular With the Leftist Elite) Jeremy Clarkson, Now Says It Has No Choice But to Keep Exhibiting Documentary Presented by Pro-Pedophilia Campaigner
The article (which I'll link in a moment) says that Ian Dunn was a cofounder of the "Pedophilia Information Exchange."
I did not know what that was and I assume you don't either, so here's Wikipedia:
The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a British pro-paedophile activist group, founded in October 1974 and officially disbanded in 1984.[1] They were described by the BBC in 2007 as "an international organisation of people who trade obscene material."
PIE was set up as a special interest group within the Scottish Minorities Group by founding member Michael Hanson, who became the group's first chairman. Since the majority of enquiries were from England, in 1975 PIE relocated to London, where 23-year-old Keith Hose became chairman.[3] The group's stated aim was "to alleviate [the] suffering of many adults and children" by campaigning to abolish the age of consent thus legalising sex between adults and children.
PIE submitted a 17-page document in which it proposed that there should be no age of consent, and that the criminal law should concern itself only with sexual activities to which consent is not given, or which continue after prohibition by a civil court.
PIE was set up to campaign for an acceptance and understanding of paedophilia by producing controversial documents. But its formally defined aims also included giving advice and counsel to paedophiles who wanted it, and providing a means for paedophiles to contact one another.
Okay, you get the idea: It's basically the British version of NAMBLA, with a horrifying acronym.
Now, this guy, who is now deceased, narrated ("presented," the British say) a documentary about gay rights, which is available for viewing on the BBC's website.
The BBC recently covered up the pedophilia of beloved idiot Jimmy Savile, who was having sex with children, many of whom he "courted" thanks to his status as a BBC pop music host, for 40 years.
Sex abuse victims advocates are asking the BBC to take this documentary down.
Bear in mind, again, the BBC claimed it had no choice -- none -- but to terminate Jeremy Clarkson from his job hosting TopGear, after a producer claimed he'd slapped him or something.
Sacred honor demanded no less, the BBC told us.
But to the sex abuse victims advocates, they say: Screw.
BBC bosses have sparked outrage by broadcasting a historic film presented by a notorious child sex campaigner -- and have refused requests to remove it from the internet.
The documentary is presented by Ian Dunn, one of the founders of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), which campaigned to legalise sex with children.
It is one of 30 archive films on the BBC's website telling the history of the gay rights movement.
The 30-minute documentary -- Glad To Be Gay? –--portrays Dunn as a legitimate gay rights activist and makes no reference to his role in setting up the reviled group.
Victims of child abuse described as ‘horrifying’ the decision to upload the film.
When The Mail on Sunday contacted the BBC to point out the documentary was causing offence, the broadcaster refused to take it down-- on the grounds that it is a 'significant' work on the history of gay rights.
If you're wondering why, that Wikipedia article will inform you about PIE's associations with left-wing politicians, as well as PIE getting government grants to produce books and other "educational materials" in the past.
Speaking of double-standards: The TSA has fired a woman-and-gay-man team who conspired to fake alerts in body-scanners, to give the gay guy an excuse to grope "attractive men's" genitals.
They've been fired-- but no criminal charges have been filed.
Of course.
Thanks to bkeyser for that one, and @DrewMTips for the BBC story.