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April 14, 2015
Professor Accidentally Sends Out Anal-Bead Porn Link to Students; Now Under Title IX Investigation for Creating an "Unsafe" Environment
I can't imagine the kind of pervert who would be scanning porn sites during the working day.
She sent an email to her students, writing "I thought this article on brief writing would be interesting for all of you," and then included a link.
Boy howdy was that link interesting. It was a link to PornHub, entitled SHE LOVES HER ANAL BEADS.
She's being investigated for this SexCrime because that's what our ridiculous laws demand.
However, she will likely come out of it unscathed. Because she is An Woman, everyone understands how absolutely silly this is, and what an enormous waste of time and resources.
But what if she were a man?
In that case, the Social Justice Warriors would insist on carrying out the letter of the absurd law, and hound that man out of a job.
But what if Lisa McElroy were a man? Would observers be as quick to give the benefit of the doubt? If a male professor foisted anal-bead porn on an unsuspecting class of students, would we wonder, even if just a little bit longer, if he meant to do it? Would we be as forgiving, even if we concluded that the porn link was a terrible mistake? Would people argue that he created a hostile environment for his female students, no matter what?
There is a terrible irony that laws and policies created to prevent gender discrimination can treat members of one gender differently and unfairly.....
I quickly realized that Title IX can be applied in ways that don’t tolerate ambiguity or, God forbid, a bawdy sense of humor. Policies prohibiting sexual harassment often lack the vocabulary to say, "Yes, he did say that, but we are friends," and "No, I was not intimidated or offended by that." Two categories emerge: either you are claiming victimhood . . . or you are considered suspicious until you can justify why the hell you did not feel victimized. Basically, you begin to sound nuts for not being offended.
I hope for a cool-headed, mature conclusion to the investigation of Professor Lisa McElroy and "Beadgate." Under the tyranny of Title IX, however, I wouldn’t hold out the same hope if she were a man.
By the way, that first link does include the actual link to the video in question, if you want to determine for yourself if it creates an unsafe, hostile environment or not.
(Update: Diligent researchers have told me the link is not clickable nor copy-and-pastable. You'd have to hand-transcribe it, or, I guess, search for SHE LOVES HER ANAL BEADS at PornHub. I thank these scholars for their efforts in chasing every lead down.)