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November 16, 2014
Weekend Blow Off Thread: Your Hometown on the Silver Screen [Y-not]
I have a confession to make.
I've never seen Dumb and Dumber.
I denounce myself.
Now, I could have happily lived my entire life without seeing this movie. It looks... well, dumb. And I don't care about the actors or anything else that I know about the movie. But I may have to watch it someday, just out of morbid curiosity, because it turns out that a lot of it was filmed in Utah.
For example, I pass this motel pretty frequently as I'm tooling around the area:

Since moving here, we've become more attuned to the times Utah serves as a backdrop (or punch-line) in our favorite movies. Utah was a pretty popular place to film Westerns and it's become attractive these days, thanks in part to an effort by the state to attract filmmakers, as well as the movie industry associated with the Sundance Film Festival.
Fletch is one of our favorite movies and it's chock-a-block full of references to Utah (and a few scenes filmed here):
You might also recall that a couple of characters in Ocean's Eleven (the Malloy brothers) are from Utah. There's a scene where they're racing that is supposed to be set in Utah County:
Mr Y-not grew up in the Berkshires, a region that gained pop culture notoriety through its association with performers like Arlo Guthrie and James Taylor.
So how about you? Do you live (or have you lived) someplace made famous in the movies or other performing arts?
Any brushes with fame in your life?
Are there any places that you've seen only on film that you yearn to see in real life?

posted by Open Blogger at
05:25 PM
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