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September 20, 2014
Dreams vs. Reality: [CBD]
There is a huge difference between, "I want this scenario to happen because I am angry at my feckless president and congress and am disgusted by the lack of leadership coming from my formerly powerful country, and turning large portions of the ME into glass will make my inner savage smile" and; "here is a rational scenario that I believe can occur with some massaging from certain players in power."
I asked the question/comment on Thursday:
As much as I enjoy watching these savages fight each other (and I am a big proponent of "Arm The Losers"), there are relative innocents being butchered.
It's fun and easy to criticize Obama, but I haven't heard a good plan for dealing with these scumbags.
And I got several answers that made that inner savage smile. But they simply weren't possible in the current situation we find America suffering under.
Arm the fck out of the Kurds so they can fight ISIS, and the Iraqis and the Turks.
Posted by: Theodore Rex at September 18, 2014 07:00 PM (g6qf3)
If we had a real president, I would suggest sending the military into Iraq and Syria with orders to kill anything that so much as looks at them funny. Then let them work.
Posted by: Methos at September 18, 2014 07:01 PM (A6vWB)
How's this one? Arm the shit out of Israel; tanks, planes, nukes, whatever, then tell the UN to STFD and STFU and let Israel handle it.
Over in a week, tops.
Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at September 18, 2014 07:11 PM (6fyGz)
1. Supply Israel and back them up 110%
2. Get the good dam towelhead countries to fight Isis, ie Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc
3. Have a f*cking vote on this
This is so unconstitutional
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, fighting the ban at September 18, 2014 07:14 PM (b5BZa)
I will happily, gleefully, ecstatically sign on for any of these to occur. I will nag my congressmen; write letters to the editors of every national paper; I will stand up in the town square on my soap box and agitate for any of these eminently rational solutions....but none of them will ever happen.
There is nothing remotely irrational about any of these comments. They make tactical and strategic sense, and would probably garner the support of the majority of the American people. My guess is that any of these would be more successful in stamping out ISIS/ISIL (non-Islamic) than anything our current administration is contemplating.
But....they won't happen.
So....what should happen...constrained by the unfortunate reality of our current domestic and geo-political situation?

posted by Open Blogger at
10:45 AM
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