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September 14, 2014
Overnight Open Thread (9-14-2014)
So a sudden kidney stone attack led me to spend the night in the ER but at least I got to meet my old friends Johnny Morphine and Dil Laudid.
Net result my total accomplishments today were approximately 7%.* And I'm currently operating heavy ONT equipment while on narcotics....whheeeeeeeeeeeee!
*I'm counting sleeping and vomiting here as actual accomplishments.
Celebrities Weigh on Scottish Independence
No: David Bowie, Eddie Izzard, Andy Murray, Susan Boyle, Emma Thompson, Rod Stewart
Yes: Alan Cumming, Billy Brag, Sean Connery, Annie Lennox, Morrissey
After 30 Years Of Lies, NY Times Admits "Assault Weapons Are A Myth"
Well more than a myth - a deliberately made-up political term.
It was much the same in the early 1990s when Democrats created and then banned a category of guns they called "assault weapons." America was then suffering from a spike in gun crime and it seemed like a problem threatening everyone. Gun murders each year had been climbing: 11,000, then 13,000, then 17,000. Democrats decided to push for a ban of what seemed like the most dangerous guns in America: assault weapons, which were presented by the media as the gun of choice for drug dealers and criminals, and which many in law enforcement wanted to get off the streets.
This politically defined category of guns - a selection of rifles, shotguns and handguns with "military-style" features - only figured in about 2 percent of gun crimes nationwide before the ban.
...The policy proved costly. Mr. Clinton blamed the ban for Democratic losses in 1994. Crime fell, but when the ban expired, a detailed study found no proof that it had contributed to the decline.
Wow someone really screwed up in this NYT op-ed and accidentally told the truth.
Star Trek, Enwidened

Nancy Pelosi Thinks Americans Are Serfs Bound To The Land
Also that Republican control of the Senate will destroy civilization.

Oakland Firefighter Plays Race Victim Card Until Police Release Video
Oh, how alluring, how comforting, how most pleasing is the mantle of victimhood. So pleasing, in fact, that even when the claim to victim status is tenuous at best, some people cannot restrain themselves from rushing before the news cameras to inform the world of how they have been mistreated. Pátio ergo sum. I suffer, therefore I am.
Salon Publishes an All-Female Enemies List
Because by disagreeing with the Left's agenda they're clearly anti-Feminist misogynists.
Also Feminism: The Final Solution
"The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race."
Me no fashun expert - but what hell this?

Mug Shots That Suggest a Whole Tale of Poor Life Choices

Woman 'Not Sure' How Dead Body Ended Up In Her Trunk
Thai Publisher Accidentally Puts Porn Star on Math Textbook

Weekly Commenter Standings Top 10 commenters:
1 [569 comments] 'Insomniac' [79.92 posts/day]
2 [486 comments] 'Mike Hammer, etc., etc.'
3 [392 comments] 'sven10077@sven10077'
4 [369 comments] 'Anna Puma (+SmuD)'
5 [343 comments] 'Costanza Defense'
6 [336 comments] 'Misanthropic Humanitarian, fighting the ban '
7 [310 comments] 'Theodore Rex'
8 [301 comments] 'garrett'
9 [299 comments] 'Ricardo Kill'
10 [297 comments] 'Vic'
Top 10 sockpuppeteers:
1 [84 names] 'Costanza Defense' [11.80 unique names/day]
2 [76 names] 'goin' all Burkean on y'all'
3 [55 names] 'The Political Hat'
4 [50 names] 'Doctor Fish'
5 [46 names] 'Prez'nit 404'
6 [42 names] 'Islamic Rage Boy'
7 [42 names] 'just kidding (love the Ewok)'
8 [42 names] 'FDA'
9 [41 names] 'King Putt'
10 [40 names] 'flounder'
The group. Never heard of it.
Where it's at - the Twitter
Tonight's post brought to you by modern football games:

Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by Maetenloch at
10:30 PM
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