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Overnight Open Thread (9-14-2014) »
September 14, 2014
Open Thread: THIS is CNN [Y-not]
Earlier today while I was out having lunch, the restaurant had CNN on with the closed-captioning on. Their anchor-being (some blonde chick) was doing a story on the conditions in North Korea.
You remember North Korea, right? That's the country filled with starving people ruled by a crazy, violent dictator.
This it the person she was interviewing to discuss, in all seriousness, the conditions in North Korea:
Grammy-winning rapper Pras Michel
I know this is who she was interviewing, and that he is a rapper, because they proudly indicated that when introducing him.
Between the "likes" in Mr. Michel's interview I learned that everything is A-OK in North Korea. They were very nice to him and he felt very safe there.
I'm not sure if Matthew Todd Miller, who was just sentenced to 6 years of hard labor in North Korea, agrees.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the next Secretary of State:
Hey, maybe we should send Pras to Syria.
Open thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
08:10 PM
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