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Tuesday Morning News Dump »
September 09, 2014
Top Headline Comments 9-9-14
Happy Tuesday.
Sen. Reid, the dangerous boy-touching clown (I heard), is mad that Republicans voted to advance his constitutional amendment to repeal the First Amendment. It's like this: Reid expected the GOP to shoot the proposed amendment down immediately, preventing it from going to floor consideration, and letting the Senate Democrats move to their next piece of election theater. Dems have lined up a bunch of show votes that they expect to fail so they can use it in their pathetic, struggling election campaigns. Unfortunately for them, because Republicans advanced the proposed amendment, which has no chance at actually passing a final vote, it is now sucking up precious floor time. Note: somehow, Politico writer Burgess Everett has framed the GOP actually voting for the Democratic proposal as a form of obstruction. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I guess.
Speaking of the Senate, Guy Benson had an excellent Senate polling round-up.
Ashe Schow: trivializing domestic violence by comparing it to policy disagreements, like DWS did, harms real victims.
Also, CAC has a AOSHQ Decision Desk request as we go into the final primary of the year:
Calling New Hampshire morons and ettes- AOSHQDD needs you today.
We have had great success getting in contact with clerks for our returns tonight, but to get an extra edge we badly need to step up our game in media-saturated New Hampshire. We are asking morons and ettes who live in the following cities to do right by your favorite blog, and email aoshqdd AT gmail DOT com for details of how you can help:
Thank You.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:46 AM
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