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September 04, 2014
Free Beacon: Al Sharpton's War With the Teleprompter, Volume 3
Speaking of endless wars.
By the way, the networks, get this, heaped praise on Obama for his "tough words" and "fighting words" on IS.
There was a funny exchange in Community:
BRITTA: I'm a psychology major! Words are my weapons!
SECURITY GUARD: I have a stun-gun. Weapons are my weapons.
And speaking of tough words:
Al Sharpton knows some tough words, too. Among them are "must," "Kazakstan," "similar," "town hall," "day," "Allison Lundgren Grimes," and "why was traffic problems emails sent."
Meanwhile... Via Hot Air, which notes Marie Larf's limited full-spectrum kinetic action against Bill O'Reilly, some of the press is skeptical about the "tough words" spin:
Thanks to @rdbrewer4.