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September 03, 2014
Overnight Open Thread (9-3-2014)–No Comment Edition
Quote of the Day
@seanmdav @instapundit @michaelbd Civilization isn't hereditary. It has to be taught to every generation. Can be lost in but one.
- epobirs (@epobirs) September 3, 2014
"Barack Obama's 'malaise moment' occurred in the afternoon of Aug. 28, 2014"

The Stupidity of Hating Your Senator for Living Where You've Sent Her to Work
Because Mary Landrieu is so awesome that it's cruel and sexist to expect her to even pretend to live in <shudder> Louisiana. Oh and the constitution is just wrong and mean.
Voxplaining Why Canadians Will Be So Sad That Americans Now Own Tim Hortons
Never mind that from 1995 to 2005 Tim Hortons was owned by Wendy's International and that this fact is clearly explained in like the 7th paragraph on the Tim Horton's wikipedia page.

Shock: DOJ Attorney Defending IRS Formerly Worked at the IRS and Was Involved in Targeting Scheme
Well actually given what we've seen so far out of the IRS and DOJ it's not really shocking at all. I foresee the deaths of many more hard drives before the end of this.
Fight for Your Right to Recline Your Airline Seat
Well as pretty frequent flier I'm mystified as to why reclining your seat has become such a battle all of a sudden - with two emergency landings caused by reclining disputes and Slate even declaring that 'tilting your seat back on an airplane is pure evil'.
It's no shock that people can be jerks on a plane, especially New Yorkers apparently, but what is surprising is the debate that has erupted on social media over the basic question of the right to recline versus the right to leg room. There's no debate. If you purchase a seat that reclines, you have a right to recline it. End of discussion.
It is shocking how many take the opposing view.
Me - I like to recline a slight bit. Since people - including myself - are not L-shaped, this makes the seat a bit more comfortable. If this is a problem for you behind me, well there are several remedies for it that don't involve being a dick about it or depriving me of my comfort.

Health Insurance vs. Health Care
Not the same thing and ObamaCare has managed to break both.
People who need health care despite unhealthy life styles or sheer poverty can't be viewed through the framework of insurance, for their risk tables will never work out. Such individuals should get treatment as part of a conscious decision by society to provide welfare. Thus the drunk who keeps drinking should get a liver transplant if it's available or a who already has AIDs should receive medicine, or the indigent: not because they are insurable but because society as a whole cares enough to allocate charity or tax money to treat them regardless. But no should imagine they are receiving treatment because they've paid an Obamacare premium. It's not insurance. It's a conscious act of public policy charity. There is nothing wrong with either, but they are not the same.
The fundamental problem with Obamacare is that it delivers welfare through the IRS and the insurance system, making institutions designed to do something different accomplish what they were never meant to do. It might work of a fashion, but only in the way a Ferrari can be used to pull a plow attachment through a field. Not very well.
All the Boogeymen Who Haunt Progressives' Nightmares Conveniently Implicated in JFK's Murder
Space May Not Be So Healthy For People
First there's the fact that it disrupts sleep patterns so much that most astronauts use multiple drugs to cope and then there's the eye problems that astronauts get after long stays in space.
Why It's So Hard to Make Plans These Days
Thanks to cell phones it's easy for plans to stay perpetually tentative but then there's also the possibility of spontaneous plans. And those who grew up in the pre-cell phone days are less prone to this.
Got Dog Poop? Get The Poo-Puck
Also works for homeless scat.

Heirs of Cousin Oliver: 8 Awful TV Show Additions
Back in the day when a sitcom's ratings started falling the go-to answer was a trip to Hawaii and/or the addition of cute kid whether it made any sense or not e.g. Cousin Oliver.

Dr. SH Dano: Reading Complete Blog Post Increases Comprehension by 94%
It true. And it also results in better comments and fewer hurt feelings. And the ability to comment.
5 Shocking Early Versions of Famous Musicians
Heavy Metal Michael Bolton and Bon Scott the bubblegum pop singer among others.
The Group knows what you did.
Tonight's post brought to you by the deep internet:
Note that comments are closed for this post. Why? Because dan-o and SH that's why. Learn from their mistakes and heed the Ewok about actually reading the post and you will find your way to ONT happiness once again.
Notice: Posted by implicit permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by Maetenloch at
10:10 PM
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