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June 17, 2014
"Child Migrants" Surge into NYC, Overwhelming the System
I'm glad it's happening in NYC. In fact, I think it would be a good idea for any state experiencing this problem to put their "child migrants" on a bus to one of two destinations: New York City, and Washington DC.
The White Liberal Urban Self-Proclaimed Elites in those cities are making this problem -- they should be confronted with it, and forced to deal with it themselves.
The White Liberal Urban Self-Proclaimed Elites are largely immunized against the pain and dislocations of their policies. In economic terms, their disastrous policies are negative externalities inflicted on everyone else, but rarely they themselves.
We must do everything possible to push these externalities, these policy consequences, on to their shoulders, where they belong.
And make sure the national media, almost entirely based in these two cities, cannot ignore the problems they inflict on everyone else.
Cristian is one of the tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors who have illegally crossed the southwest border in recent months, in a wave that has overwhelmed immigration officials and prompted the Obama administration to declare a humanitarian crisis and open three emergency shelters, on military bases in California, Oklahoma and Texas.
But while the government’s response has been largely focused on the southwest, the surge of child migrants is quickly becoming a crisis around the country. The fallout is being felt most acutely in places with large immigrant populations, like New York, where newly arrived children and their relatives are flooding community groups, seeking help in fighting deportation orders, getting health care, dealing with the psychological traumas of migration, managing the challenges of family reunification and enrolling in school.
“It’s almost like a refugee crisis,” said Steven Choi, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition, an advocacy group.
Federal officials will not reveal how many children they are holding, how many are being released or where they are being sent. But in the New York region, immigrant advocacy organizations say they have seen a stunning rise in the number of unaccompanied minors seeking help in the past several months.
Our government now routinely keeps secrets from us, about everything.
That, or they outright lie to us.