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Overnight Open Thread (14 Jun 2014) »
June 14, 2014
The Diary of Chick Bruns. June 12, 1944. 7th Army, 3rd Infantry Division, 10th Combat Engineers
70 years and a couple days ago, Charles F. "Chick" Bruns wrote this letter to his parents.
Still have very little to say, or I should say nothing to write about. The censors here have been pretty strict on what you can say in a letter. One of these day they will lift the restriction and then I will have plenty to write about. Many things have happened lately as you have already read in the papers. I received my company’s stars to day, so I am including them in this letter. Tell everyone hello and that I am still quite busy. I will write to all of you soon. Put the stars on my campaign ribbon. Just push them through the center of the ribbon & fasten them down. Goodbye and I love you both.
Lots of love
Your Son,
Chick enlisted in the Army in 1941. He kept a journal, which is recorded here. That patch with the white and blue stripes is the 3rd Infantry Division insignia. Chick was part of the North Africa campaign in 1942, Operation Torch. And Sicily. And Salerno. And Anzio.
And after all that, Normandy. Five major campaigns.
In October of 2013 Chick was part of an Honor Flight to visit the National WWII Monument.
It's Flag Day today (commenter Carol reminded me). Mine is out front.
I don't know if Chick is still with us. He was in November of 2013.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:00 PM
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