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Overnight Open Thread (6-12-2014) »
June 12, 2014
Calling all Morons & Ettes: AOSHQDD Needs YOU
We've had quite the ride with our Decision Desk this year. From the establishment win in North Carolina:
to the single most unexpected and therefor exciting thing I've ever tweeted:
It has been fun covering this election year. But we are far from finished.
We have the Colorado gubernatorial primary. The Oklahoma Special. The Georgia runoff. The Final Showdown in Mississippi. And of course, the Big One in November.
My volunteers are the most dedicated you'll find anywhere, and I thank all of them for their contributions and efforts. They are a formidable set.
But we need more, to cover more races.
The mainstream sites all use AP. They have shiny maps and graphics, but they all use the same source. You could watch them. Refresh their pages. Give them traffic.
Or you can contribute to something new. Independent. Ours.
Our goal has been to have a fully functioning alternative for election night results, and with fits and starts, it is really coming together. We have beaten the Old Guard like a drum to calling the races in Nebraska, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Iowa, and South Carolina, and we intend to keep doing so. But we need you.
Without the hard work of volunteers, this project is for naught. With them, we can do great things, and rip open the pudding packs before all the rest.
If you think the work is too hard, by all means, ask some of my volunteers how complicated it actually is. Since I don't want to reveal my secrets (this is, after all, a thing completely exclusive to Ace of Spades), I can tell you that if you have a reliable internet connection, have some degree of patience, and a heartbeat, you can volunteer, and, as Carol proved on Tuesday, do a damn good job. If you can read a website, punch a number into a spreadsheet (no formula knowledge needed), and do so without being too intoxicated, shoot an email to the AOSHQDD at GMAIL dot COM account, and be part of something big.
Thank you for all of the responses! I have replied to all of you who have volunteered as of Midnight tonight, please read through the specifics and reply back if this is still a go for you. For those who just sent emails to volunteer, I will go through them tomorrow early AM.
Update #2: If you sent an email, please check for my reply, and reply back to get started if you haven't already.