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April 05, 2014
Saturday Morning Gardening Thread: Solo Edition [Y-not]
Greetings gardening enthusiasts! Welcome to your Saturday Yard and Garden thread. I'm putting it up early because I'm still battling a cold and won't be around much today, I think.
My partner in crime is at some undisclosed location with his lovely bride. (I believe there may be coconut butter involved.) So you're stuck with me. In other words, I'm going solo today:
Clever, huh?
"Farm" report from Casa Y-not
Here at Casa Y-not in Utah, our raised beds are ready to go. Having the keen instincts of a true moron(ette), I planted some seeds of cold-hardy veggies about a week and a half ago, just before I had to leave town suddenly. Not to worry, it has snowed a couple of times since then. Awesome! It'll be interesting to see if I get anything to sprout.
We also did some transplanting. Not having a formal garden plan, we've been keeping a few shrubs (mostly lilacs) in large, attractive pots near our front porch. They spend the winter in our (windowed) garage and get rolled back out in the Spring. This Spring we moved them into larger pots to buy some more time. Meanwhile, an in-ground culinary rosemary plant that did NOT survive the winter (sadly, I don't know which variety it was thanks to my poor record-keeping and a puppy who likes to steal the plastic tags) was replaced with a lavender plant. The latter had been intended for a side strip of dirt that turned out to be unsuitable because of gravel, so I stuck it into a raised bed for the winter.
Finally, I've finished pruning the shrubs in our front yard, including the dreaded rose bushes, and the lowest branches of a very large cut leaf birch that is near our curbside mailbox. Which brings up a pet peeve of mine -- when did it become acceptable to allow your unkempt trees and shrubs to block the sidewalk? I feel like I'm the only person left who trims back her trees to keep the right of way clear. Grumble, grumble.
I decided to go with the Solo theme, so here's a short video showing how to make Solo Cup "greenhouses" and seedling starters:
Here's another way to use Solo Cups in your yard:
Not gardening-related, but this caught my eye: a simple way to entertain your artistically-inclined kids (or yourself) using clear Solo Cups:
I found this week's Blog of the Week while searching for Solo Cup uses. She briefly mentions them in this post on starting seeds, but to be honest I chose the blog because of the name: RIGHTEOUS BACON.
What's happening in your neck of the woods?
(Sorry the content is a bit sparse today. I caught a bad cold last week when I was traveling. Still on the mend.)

posted by Open Blogger at
09:32 AM
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