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June 14, 2014
Early Bird Gets the Worm Open Thread [Y-not]
Here's a little something to keep you busy while everyone sobers up.
Woke this morning to see "our" local herd of deer strolling up our street. This is a pretty common occurrence in my Utah neighborhood on the bench of the Wasatch mountains. (Speaking of which, hunters spend over $1 billion a year in my state, per the Sportsmen's Economic Impact Report. You can look up your state at the link.)
We also have mountain lions, although I've never seen them just the remains of their kills, and some wolves (or wolf-hybrids) have recently come into our area. I'm pretty sure I spotted one a couple of years ago.
When we lived in Indiana, we used to see many birds of prey from our second-story deck. The best sighting we had was a goshawk, that actually hung out on our deck for a while.
What wildlife do you have in your neighborhood?

posted by Open Blogger at
08:45 AM
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